Green recovery: Green buildings vs. the crisis

Stimulus programmes for the building sector can boost a Green Recovery, with massive benefits for jobs, the economy, and the climate. To avoid business-as-usual and put the buildings sector on a green trajectory, building programmes need to have “strings attached”: a green conditionality that incentivises and accelerates investments from the private sector.

PEEB collected examples of successful green building programmes to support governments in setting up stimulus programmes to respond to the economic crisis. Working with a coalition under the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), PEEB analysed eight programmes that stimulate investments into green buildings. Financial incentives compensate for the extra cost for reaching higher standards in renovation or new construction projects. The programmes use various instruments to reach their target groups: e.g. green mortgages to households; bridging loans to developers; grants to homeowners or housing associations and green bonds.

GlobalABC webinar presented how to use these programmes as a blueprint for green recovery programmes and possibilities for financing them.

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