PEEB works closely with its five partner countries Mexico, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia and Vietnam and provides support to projects worldwide.

Partner Countries & Projects


Mexico is experiencing rapid growth in the building sector. Annually, around US $ 25 billion are invested in the real estate market (2017). According to government prognoses, 100 Mio sqm of new schools and educational buildings will have to be built nationwide by 2030. In the residential sector, the Mexican government expects a continued rapid construction of about 300,000 – 400,000 new housing units per year. In addition, public buildings will have to be renovated on a large scale.

The Mexican government puts strong emphasis on increasing energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions in the building sector. Mexico has committed to reducing GHG emissions by 36 per cent compared to current trends by 2030 with international support. Energy efficiency standards and regulations exist for all types of buildings, for example on the thermal building envelope or lighting. In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the Paris Agreement, the government focuses on energy efficiency measures in residential and commercial buildings.

See further: Mexico country brief

Opportunities for Action

PEEB Activities

On a policy level, PEEB supports the Mexican government to improve existing policies for buildings. This includes updating the energy efficiency requirements for hotels and incorporating existing energy efficiency standards into the procurement criteria for publicly financed buildings by the Mexican government. PEEB works with the private sector on improving building designs with a special focus on hotels and hospitals. The private sector shows a high interest, the Mexican Hotel Group “Grupo Misión”, for example, intends to build 20 new hotels with ambitious energy efficient and water-saving measures. PEEB also supports the Mexican Alliance for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and its involvement in international activities of GlobalABC. PEEB provides trainings on financing energy-efficiency measures in buildings to project developers and professionals such as architects and engineers. A guide for energy-efficient hotels in Mexico is under preparation. PEEB is developing strategies for the government on how private investments for energy efficiency in buildings can be mobilised.


  • Advice to the Ministry of Environment (SEMARNAT) on energy performance requirements for hotels
  • Hotel norm updated with energy efficiency requirements for hotels
  • Technical guide on energy efficiency in hotels
  •  20 new hotels of the Mexican hotel chain ‘Grupo Misión’ receive support on energy efficiency concepts
  • Technical guide to increasing energy efficiency in public office buildings
  •  Policy paper on non-monetary incentives for mobilizing private investments in energy efficient buildings
  •  Private sector mobilisation through recommendations on financial incentives and trainings on financing energy efficiency
  • An info sheet on energy efficiency for low-income households (ECOCASA PROGRAMME)