Complaint Mechanism
The implementing organizations of PEEB take the reporting of potential misconduct very seriously. You can voice your complaints and seek redress via the channels listed below:
International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Any person who believes they may be harmed by an IKI project or who wish to report corruption or the misuse of funds, can lodge a complaint to the IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism at The IKI complaint mechanism has a panel of independent experts who will investigate the complaint. In the course of the investigation, we will consult with the complainant so as to avoid unnecessary risks for the complainant. More information can be found at:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
We encourage all of you to report any legal violations or rule-breaking that is relevant to the work of GIZ. To make this possible, GIZ has set up an extensive whistleblowing system, which you can use to submit reports, especially on the following:
- Corruption and bribery
- Misappropriation, fraud and embezzlement
- Conflicts of interest
- Sexual misconduct and sexual exploitation
- Violations of human rights
- Violations of environment-related obligations (violations of environmental law)
GIZ always follows up on all grievances reported and ensures they are investigated resolutely and fairly. For this purpose, a standardized and transparent processing procedure with deadlines was developed. GIZ also does all it can to ensure there are no negative repercussions for the whistleblower, provided there was no wrongdoing on the part of the informant.
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Any individual, group or community harmed by environmental or social incidents caused by an AFD-funded project can file a complaint with the Mechanism.
The Mechanism is managed by a Complaints Office, acting independently of the AFD Operations Division. It is overseen by the Ethics Advisor. Independent experts take part in various complaint treatment steps, as detailed in the rules of procedure.
This Mechanism strengthens the transparency and accountability of AFD-funded projects and operations.
The complaint must:
- be submitted by one or several natural or legal persons affected by an AFD-funded project;
- exclusively concern the environmental and social aspects of the project;
- concern projects funded in foreign countries;
- be made as a last resort, when the complainant has exhausted the possibilities of dialogue and out-of-court redress procedures towards the beneficiary of AFD funding.
Complaints may be sent:
- By filling in a form online
- By sending an e-mail to
- By post to:
Agence Française de Développement
Secrétariat du Dispositif de gestion des réclamations environnementales et sociales
5, Rue Roland Barthes
75598 Paris Cedex 12
- By hand delivery to AFD headquarters as per the address above or to an AFD field office.