Mexico's Ministry of Environment (SEMARNAT) presented a guide for improving energy efficiency in hotels in hot climates.
The guide provides practical advice on different energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies as well as passive measures to reduce energy consumption. It illustrates the mitigation potential of the sector in Mexico with practical examples.
A five-star hotel in a hot humid climate could achieve this 30%-energy reduction with a return on investment (ROI) of under 3 years. Simulation results suggest that if only 10% of the hotels in Mexico were to reduce energy consumption by 30%, the calculated annual mitigation potential would be around 287 million tons of CO2eq.
The guide illustrates the path to achieve different mitigation scenarios: 15%, 30% and net zero. PEEB supported SEMARNAT in the development of the guide and in the actualisation of the national standard for sustainable hotels (NMX-AA-171-SCFI-2014), which includes energy efficiency and renewable energy. The hotel sector in Mexico represents a great potential to contribute towards the NDC.